Sunday, April 3, 2011

week 12, day 4

Yaaaaaaaaaay! I reached the 300 mile marker!  I can not believe I have run this many miles.  The sad thing is that, at this point, this may be all the miles I run for a while.  On Thursday's run I felt some tightness in my lower left leg, but continued to run.  Well it soon warmed up and felt better but I began to feel some discomfort in my ankle.  Once again, I continued to run.  I got back from my run and felt ok.  The rest of the day I was fine.  On Friday I felt some tenderness in my achilles.  Friday night I iced my achilles.  I woke up Saturday feeling some tenderness still, but I planned on running the 13 miles I intended for that day.  As soon as I set out to run my achilles was really bothering me.  It wasn't a shooting pain, but it definitely didn't feel good.  I continued to run.  By mile 4 it began to feel better.  I barely had any pain at all so I figured okay this can't be that bad of an injury if it feels better, right?  I met Bekie at mile 7 and continued to run 6 more miles.  I felt pretty good though.  There were still times that I felt some tenderness in my achilles, but not nearly as bad as when I began the run.  However, once I got home I could not go up or down the stairs without major pain.  So I immediately took advil, elevated my leg and iced.  I was so cold so I had to get a shower.  As soon as I was finished I iced more though (20 mins off 20 mins off for about an hour and a half).  We went out to dinner with my parents.  It still hurt to go up and down stairs, but walking on a flat surface was fine.  I iced for 20 minutes when we got back from dinner.  Then I went to bed.  I woke up this morning still unable to walk up or down stairs, but unable to walk on flat surfaces as well.  What the heck?  I can't believe this is happening to me!  Yeah, I prob shouldn't have continued to run yesterday, but besides that I have done nothing to risk an injury.  I am so frustrated and scared!  I iced for another 20 minutes this morning, but then I had to get ready for the Phillies game.  I took advil and iced 3 more times on the way to the game.  I still have pain when walking!  I am going to continue to ice and hope for the best.  If I have to I will skip this week's runs, but there is no way I can skip Saturday's run - 19 miles.  If I have to skip that then I'm done.  No more marathon for me.  I can't believe these words are coming out of my mouth!  All of this hard work for nothing?  No way, this can not be happening.  Please - someone have good news for me.  Anyone?  Maybe I am just not cut out to accomplish such a goal?  All I can do is pray that this heals extremely quickly!

304/463 miles complete!


  1. it sounds like you need to rest... i think your idea of taking the runs off this week is a good idea or at least cutting them back and doing lower mileage... maybe just doing cross training...i agree... you definitely can't skip out on the long run on saturday... not only will it get you ready physically but mentally too!

    my brother got injured when training and i remember him taking the week off, bouncing back on the weekend and running awesome...

    i love reading your updates! you are doing great! praying for quick healing!!

  2. Thanks so much! I really needed to hear this!
