Wednesday, April 6, 2011

week 13, day 2 (of "sorta" rest)

So I talked to some health teachers that gave me some insight into achilles tendonitis.  One of them recommended I continue some sort of aerobic activity like riding the stationary bike rather than resting completely.  She thought this would help me retain my aerobic stamina so that when (if) I go back to running it won't be as difficult.  Now, I despise riding the bike.  I don't know what it is, but it has always been quite uncomfortable to me.  I just don't enjoy it at all.  Regardless, I got up early this morning and hopped on the bike at the y for an hour (thank God I went and got a free 2 week pass last week).  It wasn't nearly as bad as I remembered.  It def sucked to watch the small amount of calories pass by.  I only burned about 188 calories in a half hour opposed to 280 when running.  I kept reminding myself of PMA.  I plan to do the same tomorrow and possibly Friday.  I can say I def felt better today.  I could walk normally without pain for a decent amount of time.  When I could feel pain it wasn't nearly as bad as the last couple of days.  I'm not sure if it's just the anti-inflammatory or if I'm actually beginning to heal, either way I'll take it.  The other health teacher had asked if I was going to physical therapy.  Funny, my doctor didn't suggest that.  So, I went ahead and scheduled my first physical therapy appointment for Friday morning anyway.  I'm really hoping that a) this will aid in speeding up my recovery, b) they'll tell me I can run this weekend and c) I'll learn some prevention techniques to keep this from happening again.  Wish me luck!

304/453 miles complete!

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