Sunday, April 17, 2011

walk/run? okay, I'll try

So after talking to my mom last night (I told her how inclines were easier than declines on yesterday's run), she suggested I walk the inclines and run the declines.  What a great idea!  Why didn't I think of that?  So this morning I did a nice walk/run for 45 minutes.  Let me tell you, this injury is so weird!  Again when I first started walking I could tell my achilles wasn't feeling normal.  So I walked up my first incline then ran a flat surface - not too bad.  I continued to walk/run.  Well really it went walk-run-walk-run-walk-walk-walk-walk-run-walk-run-run-walk.  The weird part is that the first half was pretty challenging.  Almost as soon as I started running I had to stop.  Then when I would walk for about 30 seconds the pain was gone.  By about 35 minutes I could barely feel it when running - I was able to run twice as much by the end.  However, I did remember that something similar happened when I first hurt myself.  I kept pushing through and about 4 miles later (40 minutes) it felt better (still some pain, though) so I kept running.  I didn't push it today.  Whenever I felt pain I stopped and walked.  As of now when I walk I'm fine, which is a good sign.  I guess this will be my new workout for now.  Thanks mom!

308.25/407.25 miles complete!

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