Thursday, January 27, 2011

calming down

Today was officially a week since the last time I was able to run. Once I received the phone call that today would be another snow day, I vowed to be productive.  The gym was closed so I started the day off with shoveling (for two hours).  I started to think it was a bad idea if I had any hopes of running today.  I came in for a little rest and called the gym, still closed.  Since it was closed all day yesterday I just assumed it wasn't going to open today.  Therefore, I headed out to do some more shoveling (another hour).  I ran some errands and took a nap.  Then I got a phone call from a friend.  Low and behold the gym had opened at noon.  I was pretty nervous about running since I had busted my butt shoveling for 3 hours (my back and shoulders were so sore - still are!).  However, I was determined to avoid missing another day of training.  I got to the gym without a set distance in mind.  I set my ipod to one of my fav playlists entitled Philly Half and began to run.  After three miles I was in desperate need of a bathroom break.  Usually I try to hold it, but I was feeling so good on my run I didn't want that to be the reason I would have to cut it short.  So I took the break.  On my break I decided that I would attempt to run 5 more miles for a total of 8 miles.  This would mean that I have made up for missing my Tuesday and Wednesday runs.  I couldn't believe it, but 73 minutes later I completed 8 miles.  I felt so good that I got a bright idea to run 3 miles tomorrow to make up for the other 3 miles I should have run this week.  If I can complete this then that means I did not miss 17 miles of training, I only missed 9.  I know 9 miles should never be stated "only 9", but it's way better than losing 17 miles.  Now let's hope I stay healthy and am able to run my long run on Saturday - only 6 miles, at this point that can be stated "only 6"!

38/460 miles complete

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