Today was another successful run! Since I felt good I had trouble sticking to my plan to run my long runs at a slower pace. I stuck to my plan for the first 4 miles, but soon realized that since my run was going so well I could speed up and complete 5 miles averaging less than a 9:00 pace. Low and behold I did. I ran 5 miles in 44:22. This is yet another reason why I'm hating the treadmill these days. I can't stop looking at my speed and distance. Therefore, I grow competitive with myself. For some reason when I run outside I am able to just enjoy running and I don't worry about my time or pace. I run with my ipod using Nike+ so I definitely have the opportunity to obsess with my time and pace, yet I don't. It must be that when I'm on the treadmill those numbers are just staring right at me. My dad suggested I just cover it up, but we all know I would lift it up and keep looking at it anyway. Oh well, I guess I'm just going to have to learn to be disciplined.
55/460 miles complete
i remember the days when i would do long runs on the tredmill... and you are right! i couldn't stop looking at my pace and time! i remember covering it with my tshirt! and i would take sneak peeks:)--keep up the awesome work!