Tuesday, April 26, 2011

life without running

So life has not been as different as I thought it would be since I haven't been able to run.  I'm going on 4 weeks now.  My psyche has been a lot better than I had imagined.  We broke down and joined the y so I'm sure working out on the elliptical has helped.  I am def getting the itch to try running again, but I'm scared.  The warmer weather def makes it harder.  Andrew (my pt) says if I'm not feeling better by next week then I need to call my doc to get an MRI.  Speaking of Andrew, I couldn't believe what I did at pt the other day.  I always start the first ten minutes soaking my foot in the whirlpool tub.  Since it's been cold I always have pants on and I have to roll them up.  Well the other day it was warm and I had capris on.  I remember thinking to myself that wearing capris would be convenient since I wouldn't have to worry about rolling up my pants.  So I put my foot in the whirl pool.  The timer is about to go off and I look down.  My capris are soaking wet.  Turns out they were touching the water and absorbing the water the entire time.  I had no idea - I didn't feel it at all.  So I had to do all of my exercises/stretches in wet capris - fun!  Yeah, not so much. 

I won't be counting mileage any longer, but stay tuned b/c I'm hoping to begin training for the Philadelphia Marathon in November.  Obviously, this depends on the timing of my full recovery...


  1. Hey there! I've been off FB for lent so didn't know what the status was on your training. So sorry to hear about that-not fun at all. I hope you feel better soon. Prayers. I was training for the 1/2 marathon in Phoenix and injured my hip. There is so much that goes into training-it's really time consuming and you have to be careful. I am training for a TRI this Sept and thinking of doing a blog like this! - Erika Twohy

  2. I know, Danielle!! I'm scared October will be too soon, but nothing is set in stone yet. ;)

  3. i would so consider running the philadelphia marathon again in the fall...it is a good one to train for because the weather is perfect... not to cold and not to hot! i will keep praying for fast healing for you!!
