This morning was pretty cold at the start, but somehow I soon became very comfortable. I've been really enjoying the fact that it is light out by 6 and the sun is up by 6:30. I'm not looking forward to turning our clocks back at all! Of course that will occur the same week that I increase my Wednesday runs to 8 miles. On a more positive note the sunrise has gotten earlier and earlier pretty quickly - here's to hoping it continues to to do so after daylight savings. I could always run in the afternoon on Wednesdays since I don't have any obligations after work, but it's just so nice to get it finished first thing. I'll just have to see how dark it actually will be. For now I'll enjoy my last week of am sunlight.
The rest of today's run was great. I finished 4 miles in 37:37 (9:24 miles). I wore a stopwatch to measure the time against my ipod. Low and behold it was accurate. It feels so good to know that, even after pacing myself at slower paces, I still have it in me to run an 8:50 pace for 7 miles. I'm looking forward to my rest day tomorrow. Even more, it's Friday AND I'm heading to Victory with some awesome gals! I have 15 miles to run on Saturday and I'm finally not feeling nervous at all. I think since 14 miles went so well, I'm actually looking forward to 15 - never thought I'd say that!
162/463 miles complete!
YAY! 15 will be nothing! Plus V is for Victory on Friday!