Sunday, September 29, 2013

a little boy turns one

Last Sunday we celebrated Parker's first birthday.  His cousin, Russ, turned one just two days after him so we decided to have a joint party.  It was so much fun to plan with my sister-in-law, Dara and my mother-in-law, Dana.  They plan some awesome parties and I really enjoyed being a part of the inside scoop!  With an awesome party comes much more planning and preparation than I could have ever imagined.  I definitely was not blessed with the gift of planning or hostessing for that matter.  I learned a lot, though and maybe one day I'll plan an awesome party...or I'll just call them!  I still wonder how my wedding came together so well...ha!  Maybe it's because I had two years to plan.

We were so blessed with a wonderful day full of love and laughter.  So many of our friends and family came out to celebrate with us.  There was yummy food and dessert, lots of good conversation, kids playing, loving family, proud grandparents, fellowship with friends, and beaming parents.  We couldn't have asked for anything more. 

It's hard to believe Parker is one now.  He has grown and changed so much in just one short year.  I can barely remember a time when he was only (ha only!) 9.5 lbs and all he could do was eat, sleep, poop and snuggle.  Sometimes I long for those days, but most days I am content to watch him grow and learn.  He never ceases to put a smile on our faces.  They say your life is never the same after you have kids...they're right and I wouldn't have it any other way.  Do we have bad days? Yes...well we used to.  Knock on wood, life has been real grand lately.  Our household has been quite content.  But we definitely went through our ups and downs figuring out this parenting thing - really this Parker thing.  It's amazing the difference in temperament from one baby to another.  We've learned we really have to just do what works for us.  However, I do think it's important to ask others for advice and especially for support.

I'm working hard to enjoy each moment with Parker.  I can easily find myself rushing from one thing to the next constantly thinking of my mental "to-do" list.  However, I think I've gotten a lot better at slowing down and just being in the moment, especially when I'm with him.  This life is flying by too fast to not take the time to "stop and smell the roses".  In fact just two times this past week, I was putting Parker to bed and he was not quite settled enough to lay him down.  Instead, I did something I haven't done in what feels like forever.  I rocked him.  It brought tears to my eyes.  I miss these tender moments with him.  Just watching his eyes droop, feeling his body relax in the security of my embrace and seeing the innocence in his face as he drifted off to sleep made me both sad and proud.  I am sad those days are behind us, but I am proud to be a mommy of such a wonderful little boy.  He is happy, loving, strong and healthy.  I praise God for the blessing he is to Brent and I.  He may not be perfect, but he is perfect for us.

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