Thursday, June 2, 2011

guest runner

I couldn't believe my ears today!  First of all the weather was gorgeous today!  Luckily I got to go on a walking field trip with my class.  I knew I'd be inside for the afternoon because I had to go to a meeting after school until 5:30.  The extra time outside with my kiddos was much needed.  Of course when I got home I was dying to go for a run since the weather was so perfect for it.  I still had to make dinner though.  So I decided to ask Brent to go with me for a run.  Now I have asked him to go running with me at least a million times in the past 6 years and he has never said yes.  In fact one day I asked him to walk with me on a cross training day while I was training for the marathon.  He kept complaining I was walking too fast.  Well I ended up walking at least 3 feet ahead of him because he was so slow - lol!'ll never believe this, but his answer was yes!  He ran 2 miles with me today!!  I was so proud of him.  He did so good and he wasn't even breathing heavy - haha!  When we got back I even said to him you could've gone another mile and he agreed, but said why would he?  I said because you would burn 100 extra calories.  His response was if that's the reason then I definitely wouldn't run another mile - gotta love him!

On a side note I got one of the nicest letters passed on to me by my principal yesterday.  It was from the parents of one of my students.  This has been such a stressful week with trying to get grading finished, report cards complete and begin my 5-8 page grad paper so this letter was much needed!  It's nice to hear positive feedback from parents, but a hand written note speaks volumes. 

1 comment:

  1. so happy to hear that brent ran with you! wooo hoooo!

    you are an awesome teacher... what a GREAT letter! I bet that totally made your day! :)
