Thursday, June 23, 2011

random thoughts

So I've had a lot of time on my hands lately since school has been out.  I have been doing a lot of thinking...too much thinking.  Even though it is officially summer vacation I still don't feel like it is.  Just like I never felt like it was the end of the school year.  I've never felt like this before.  Maybe it's because I have made an effort to continue getting up early (at least before 8, except for T/Th - I've been getting up to continue to go to group power at 5:30).  This week I've had a lot of time to myself since Brent and most of my friends work.  I've thought a lot about how much I have to be thankful for, I've thought a lot about getting up off the couch to do some housework, I've thought a lot about food and eating, I've thought a lot about what my body looked like this time last year (10 days before my wedding).  I know that body is unrealistic to maintain for life - that is if I want to enjoy life...I love to eat all kinds of food!  As I get closer to 30 I have def noticed a change in my body.  I am carrying weight in different places and I am definitely getting softer.  Instead of dwelling on these negative feelings I am striving to have a healthy life style.  I've also thought a lot about the fact that I feel sad for no reason at all.  I have Jesus as my savior, an amazing husband, an awesome family, fabulous friends and a great job.  Why would I feel down?  So the last couple of days I've really been focusing on the positive and I am feeling a lot better.  I've gotten a lot done around the house, I've been concentrating on eating balanced and I've increased the amount of time I spend working out as well as adding new workouts.  I've been doing some P90X, group power, the elliptical, the stepper and I've continued running.  I don't really have a set schedule, which is actually nice.  I just do whatever workout I feel like doing that day.  Running is the only one I have to think more about, just because I don't want to push it.  My ankle has really been bothering me and my achilles has felt really tight.  In fact on Monday when I was running I had only run 2 miles when I had to stop and stretch because it was bothering me so much.  However, after I stretched I was able to run 2 more miles.  I have yet to get passed 5 miles (I ran for 60 minutes once).  Needless to stay it has bothered me so much I went to the doctor yesterday.  He suggested an MRI so that's where I'm headed tomorrow.  Since I am planning on running a half marathon in September and would really like to try training again for a marathon I want to make sure there is nothing major going on with my foot.  I don't want to be stupid again.  I need peace of my mind.  With that being said I'm trying very hard to stay positive.  This morning I began to think "Ok, so what am I going to do when my doctor says I can no longer run?"  Yea, no those thoughts are not helpful!  I am going to pray about it and go in with an open mind.  Only God knows what tomorrow holds.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

first place and a grill

This past Saturday was such a great one!  Leaha and I decided last minute to run Eli's Run - this was it's first annual race.  Oxford's seniors have to do a senior project.  One of the seniors chose this as hers and it is dedicated to a little boy who passed away from Leukemia.  Since it was a 5K we decided it would be a good idea to run a few miles before the race.  So we get there and discover that it is actually Oxford's Cross Country route.  We also quickly discovered that we hate running in the grass!  Ugh, it was unbelievable how much harder it was.  When I crossed the finish line I was handed an index card with the number four.  I wasn't quite sure what it was - it crossed my mind that it could be the place I finished in, but since my injury I haven't been able to run quite as fast so no way could I have come in 4th!  After more and more people finished we decided that it was indeed the place you came in - I couldn't believe it, ha!  It was so hot (the race didn't start until 9:45 - I hope they change that for next year), but we decided to stick around for awards.  The next thing you knew they called Leaha's name for first place in her age bracket.  Then they called my age bracket next and I came in first place as well!!  We couldn't believe it.  The idea of placing at all never crossed my mind - let alone first place!
After our run we decided to do some damage at the outlets.  We had a great time and the weather was beautiful for walking around shopping.  On the way home I decided we should grill out.  The only problem was Brent and I still had to put the grill together.  When I got home I informed him of my idea and the fact that I had already invited Leaha, some other friends and my parents.  We quickly got to work on the grill and finished assembling it in about an hour and half...without a fight!  That's two projects we did well together!  I think we're making progress here - lol.  Anyhow we had a fabulous night grilling.  The food was great, the weather was beautiful and the company was wonderful!  We couldn't wait to do it again so we had his parents over on Sunday and I cooked dinner for the two of us on the grill tonight too:

Hahaha, can you say dork?!?  Love it!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

guest runner

I couldn't believe my ears today!  First of all the weather was gorgeous today!  Luckily I got to go on a walking field trip with my class.  I knew I'd be inside for the afternoon because I had to go to a meeting after school until 5:30.  The extra time outside with my kiddos was much needed.  Of course when I got home I was dying to go for a run since the weather was so perfect for it.  I still had to make dinner though.  So I decided to ask Brent to go with me for a run.  Now I have asked him to go running with me at least a million times in the past 6 years and he has never said yes.  In fact one day I asked him to walk with me on a cross training day while I was training for the marathon.  He kept complaining I was walking too fast.  Well I ended up walking at least 3 feet ahead of him because he was so slow - lol!'ll never believe this, but his answer was yes!  He ran 2 miles with me today!!  I was so proud of him.  He did so good and he wasn't even breathing heavy - haha!  When we got back I even said to him you could've gone another mile and he agreed, but said why would he?  I said because you would burn 100 extra calories.  His response was if that's the reason then I definitely wouldn't run another mile - gotta love him!

On a side note I got one of the nicest letters passed on to me by my principal yesterday.  It was from the parents of one of my students.  This has been such a stressful week with trying to get grading finished, report cards complete and begin my 5-8 page grad paper so this letter was much needed!  It's nice to hear positive feedback from parents, but a hand written note speaks volumes.